Melanchthon Gymnasium
Interim Use of a school building
Cautious Interim Use
The "Melanchthon Gymnasium" in Wittenberg, built in 1886, is a listed school building. It has a 7.000 m2 outdoor area with a schoolyard, park and a historic sports hall. The building was only partially used since 2011 for fire protection reasons. It was closed from 2013-2015 as some ceilings were removed due to dry rot.
From 2016 to 2017, the "Reformation Jubiläum 2017 e.V." used the building as an office and venue to coordinate the anniversary of the Reformation and the World's Fair in 2017. With the help of the Wittenberg office Brückner & Heine the interim use was planned and carried out in only seven months. The aim was to intervene as little as possible in the historical fabric. After the temporary use, the building will be used as a school again in 2018.