Public Space


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project lis

  • A like Alex
    Social Media Workshop and installation, Berlin-Alexanderplatz, Berlin, September 2014, MORE
  • Mendel-Square
    Discovering the Genetic Code of Mendel-Square /  Znovuobjevení Mendlova námestí /  temporary urban installation in Brno, together with Veronica Gallego Sotelo and Evgenia Kuznetsova, invited by the House of Arts of the city of Brno, CZ, as part of the project: "What about Ghosts? Urban Minds and Legends" installation on site: Dec, 16, 2012
  • M - a City is looking for her Super Heroine
    urban, temporary installation in Innsbruck, Austria, funded through Stadtpotentiale 2012
  • Light-Installation
    part of the workshop: Bilder Reiche(n) Au, in Cooperation with -die Bäckerei - Kulturbackstube- Innsbruck, Austria, visual interventions in public space, October 2011
  • LEFD- Monument for Freedom and Unity, invited competition, 2012, MORE
  • Meet Luis and his Amazing Friends
    temporary installation of a live City-Comix in the city of Darmstadt as part of the workshop: stadtfinden, Darmstädter Architektursommer, June 2011
  • Wort Trees
    temporary installation in public space, in Bernburg (Saale), part of IBA-Stadtumbau-2010, MORE
  • Excavatin field
    temporary installation in public space, in Sangerhausen, part of IBA-Stadtumbau-2010, MORE
  • Deja Vue
    Design to enhance the space of an existing underpass, Ellerstrasse, Düsseldorf, invited competition, 2nd price, 2009, MORE
  • Verleitsystem
    "Art at a building" competition, University Freiburg, 2007, MORE
  • LOOPs
    Art in public space and campus design, Donau-University in Krems, Austria, completed 2005, MORE
  • Märkische Hütte
    temporary mountain hut on a highrise building in Berlin-Märkisches Viertel, part of X-Wohnungen, Theater Hebbel am Ufer (HAU 2), May 2005, MORE
  • Dolmusch X Press
    in cooperation with raumlaborberlin and the theatre Hebbel am Ufer (HAU) in Berlin, grant-aided by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes: a project in the field of theatre, architecture- and new transport-system in Berlin- Kreuzberg, May 2006, MORE
  • Neustadt- Werkstatt
    conference on ideas for a former powerstation, Weißenfels, IBA- Project of the city Weißenfels, GRÜN-DER-Zeit, together with Complizen, 2005
  • Pörtschach 2040
    invited competition, Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Austria, 2003
  • SR-Balkony-Tuning
    research project on balconies as the interface between private and public space, Balkony-Guide (Comic) and tour through Halle-Neustadt, three Master Balconies built, Plattenman: sport on the balcony event and 120 counseling interviews and balcony-designs for visitors of the theater festival, Hotel-Neustadt, Thalia Theater Halle (Saale), Sept.-Oct. 2003, MORE
  • Infoment
    typographic Sculpture, Lübben (Spreewald), built: 2002
  • Hoyerswerda, from housing estate towards a city
    urban design competition, 1997