Museum Finsterwalde
Line of Songs
The Chorwurm is a big exhibition-structure, which is 75cm wide and 230cm high. Its surface is gray. It winds like a long ribbon through the middle of the space of the Museum in Finsterwalde. The long and stretched form of the Chorwurm marks the chronological structure of its narrative. Through substraction different historical eras are made visible. So, anywhere the body of the Chorwurm is sliced (eg in passageways, glass-cabinets or seating) its »inner colour« appears: red in the Middle Ages, green in the time of the Reformation, blue in the romance, brown for the period of the Weimar Republic and during the Third Reich, and yellow for the time of the GDR and after reunification.

The exhibition is placed on the upper floor of the Regional Museum in Finsterwalde, Germany. In an area of 200 square meters, the museum shows an overview of the history of singing and choirs in the region, from the Middle Ages to the present.

There are many opportunities for crossing and stepping into the Chorwurm and for its interactive use. In addition, the height of the structure is varied, so that the exhibits are placed in the right height and natural light. From a carved figure of a bishop from the 15th Century, and the cast in metal bust of Martin Luther to a built-in mini-organ, where the visitor play, there is a lot to discover in the Chorwurm. The vistor may use an audio-guide to experience the exhibtion with the music of the historical era. The company GPT Audio from Finsterwalde were our partner for the audio-guide. They also realized the sound concept for the Berlin Reichstag. (Chorwurm is a play on words, it comes from the word Chor=choir and Ohrwurm=earworm)