Paper Architecture
ideas, research, concepts participative projects and competitions
House BIG
Design studies for a small move-out house in the garden, central Carinthia, Austria, 2024 -
Wörther See Museum
Concept and museum design / conversion of a former cinema, on behalf of the Pörtschach Archive and the Pörtschach am Wörthersee Tourist Board, Austria, 2023 -
House W
Design for a house in a suburb of Klagenfurt, central Carinthia, Austria, 2023 -
Future living - Stay there!
participatory ideas workshop, Rennweg am Katschberg, Carinthia, Austria, 2022 -
Design for a residential development in Velden am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria, 2022
The Moosburg model- Participation to Go
Design consultations, open to all citizens of Moosburg, Carinthia, Austria, 2021-2023 -
F3LDKIRCH3N- Rethinking our city
participatory ideas workshop, Feldkirchen in Carinthia, Austria, 2022 - WilmSprings- competition entry for the event "Stuttgart by the Sea" at the StadtPalais - Museum for Stuttgart, 2019
- Design for a school
in Vijayawada, India, initiated by Joseph Thamby Mula, for the non-profit organization "Helping Hands 4 India", Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Austria, 2017
- ABX-Halle Heilbronn - planning workshop for the interim use of a former storage hall before and after the "Bundesgartenschau 2019" by citizens. Invited competition by the city of Heilbronn, 2014
- Post_Tourismus
Utopias and the Wörthersee, research project, funded by the "Margarete Schütte-Lihotzki project scolarship" of the Bundesministeriums für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Vienna, 2013-2014
- Chatting with Monuments-pri pamatky besedovat
concept and design for a project in urban space, part of: What about Ghosts in Town - Urban Minds and Legends, invited by the House of the Arts, city of Brno, CZ, Nov-Dez 2012
- Wortbänder / Word Strips
LEFD- Freedom and Unity Memorial in Leipzig, Germany, invited competition, 2012
- Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit / Documentation Center on Nazi Forced Labor
Berlin Schöneweide, Stiftung Topografie des Terrors / Topography of Terror Foundation, invited competition, mit Jork Andre Dieter und Verena Wolz Oktober 2011
- Regional Museum Perleberg
exhibition design, invited competition, with Thorsten Platz, 2011
- L.O.V.E.
design of a housing estate for a citizen's initiate as an alternative for a developer's project, Berlin, 2011
- Cebu Residence
design, housing estate in San Fernando, Cebu Island, Philippinen, 2010-2011
- Luise - Tod einer Königin / Death of a Queen
with Jork Andre Dieter, exhibition design, Castle Hohenzieritz, invited competition, stte castles and gardens of Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, 2010
- Kupferfabrik-Entrance
design of a gate to a courtyard of a former factory in Berlin-Mitte, 2010
- Deja Vue
competion, design for an underpass, Ellerstrasse, Düsseldorf, Germany, invited competition by the city of Düsseldorf, second prize, 2009
- Farbgleich
design for the festival center of "Steirischer Herbst" in the Theater Orpheum, Graz, Austria, invited competition, 2009
- Kupferfabrik-Restaurant
design for a temporary restaurant in Berlin, 2008
- Verleitsystem
in cooperation with jangled nerves, art competition, University Freiburg, 2007
- Agrarmuseum Wandlitz
competition, first prize, 2006
- Neustadt- Werkstatt
workshop, E- Werk Weißenfels, IBA- Project of the city Stadt Weißenfels, GRÜN-DER-Zeit, in cooperation with Complizen, Weißenfels, 2005
- Haus O
design, house-extension, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2005
- Habelschwerdter Allee
design for a rooftop conversion, Berlin, 2004
in cooperation with Club Real, competition entry for "Shrinking Cities", second phase, 2004
- Olympic Landmark
competition, Paris 2012, designed in 2004
- Kassler Museumsalphabet
invited competition, first prize, 2003
- Pörtschach 2040
invited competition, Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Austria, 2003
- Mobile Forschungseinheit
competition for Ersatzstadt, Volksbühne Berlin, 2003
- Ozeaneum
competition for the German Oceangraphic Museum, Stralsund, in cooperation with Paul Zoller, 2002
- hot chicks
design for a fast food restaurant, Berlin, 2001
- Slawenburg Raddusch
invited museum competition, 1999
competition for a music and musical stage, Graz, Austria, in cooperation with Christiane Sauer, 1998
- Unterm Georgenberg
competition, mention, Reutlingen, 1997
- Von der Wohnsiedlung zur Stadt Hoyerswerda / from housing estate towards a city
urban planning competition, 1997